CA Could use some woodworker's help to make small inkle loom

@JayJohnson600 Can digital media help with this?

If not, I can setup my camera with an interval timer to take a picture every 30 seconds or so.

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I’ll check into what DM may be able to assist with.

When is this scheduled to take place?

Jay Johnson

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Let me get the thread and fool with it, maybe tomorrow, then I will plan for a taping of it

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Just as a curiosity, how do you keep the weft from unwrapping off the shuttle while you are using it? I made a couple shuttles for my mini Inkle and I’m just using a rubber band. I’m sure there must be a more elegant solution.

I wrap it on in a figure 8


I think it’s more just developing a habit of how you pass it back and forth so it doesn’t unwind. The thread itself usually sticks to itself a tiny bit too. Now a slippery thread like fine nylon might be crazy making and need a rubber band.

When I’m weaving, I usually lead with the end the yarn is going around which keeps it in place then flip a wrap loose when I need more