CA Committee Meeting Notes Sept 11, 2018

So it kills me not to know how to write in color here on talk so I’ve uploaded my notes from last night via googledrive
notes from the actual meeting in red highlighted in yellow were personal notes for me as I conducted the meeting.

I don’t think it’s of any big deal but here is the link to the powerpoint - unfortunately I had to drop it into google to cast it and lost my fonts so it looks a bit plain.

In attendance:
@kyrithia, Me, @mreynolds, @BarkingChicken @dianarhodes @classielassie @MizGeek @Lampy @Nick @Kriskat30 @Photomancer @talkers
@heyheymama @Cairenn_Day @Webdevel


Snacks were brought and consumed with glee

The world needs more of this kind of attention to detail! :smiley:


It’s a finely honed management technique that Nicole is the master of: keep their mouths full and you get no back-talk.


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You’ve changed my life.


Lets see if I did it right

CA September 11

Link to the powerpoint:

[color=red]Started 6:57p[/color]
Snacks were brought and consumed with glee
In attendance Jeannie Harwel @kyrithial, Nicole Franczvai@uglyknees, Mark Reynolds @mreynolds, Shay@barkingchicken, Diana Rhodes @dianarhodes, Linda Wynee @classielassie, Laurie Ruggles @MizGeek, Ken Purcell @lampy, Nick Sanz @Nick, Stephanie Webb @heyheymama, Kris Anderson @Kriskat30, David Kessinger @photomancer, John Gorman @talkers, Cairenn Day @Cairenn_Day, Jorge Soto @webdevel

Thinking of Roger Valles keeping him in thoughts and prayers
Medical City Denton
Co: Roger Valles Room 520
3535 S. Interstate 35E Denton, Tx 76210
Send get well cards, would love visitors
Go fund me link: Fundraiser for Armando Valles by Scot Alan Wilcox : Support Roger Valles

Introduce people running for chair:
[color=red]Nicole Franczvai unopposed[/color]
Vote for chair
[color=red]Nicole Franczvai voted in
Jorge put it on the board notes (Sept 12) [/color]
Introduce people running for co-chair:
[color=red]Shay Galland[/color]
Vote for co-chair
[color=red]Shay Galland voted in[/color]

Standard Meeting
SIG leaders voted [color=red](via message on Talk)[/color] and Thursday evenings are the best for meeting
Vote 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursday for meetings
[color=red]2nd Thursday is voted in, Nicole informed everyone that that type of rigid schedule is hard because of her son but mentioned that’s why Shay is instrumental, Mark mentioned that will interfere with his D&D group. We all said we would do what we could to make it work[/color].

[color=red]Kris mentioned co-chairs don’t need to be voted in. Committee collectively shrugged and said ok[/color]

[color=red]Before talking about the reevaluation of the printer Kris said she had purchased the printer for $19K this week.
Jorge Soto motion to return the printer based on the current financial constraints of the expansion
Seconded by John Gorman
Voted on by the committee
Pass by committee vote
Committee votes to return the $19K printer purchased by Kris Anderson
Talk discussion link (night after the meeting): [/color] Kris please post the sales contract for the HP Printer - #38 by heyheymama
[color=red]As of Sept 12th the printer was cancelled
*waiting on cancelled bill of sale[/color]
Reevaluate the largest purchase to be (printer)
Discuss the appropriate budget needs for the printer
Current printer (In waiting)
Discussion on talk is here:
$526.98 per month times 48 months is $25,295.04
The printer is 8.5ft long and almost 3ft wide and weighs 500lbs
This does not include the cutter
Requires 10Ft unencumbered space
Vote on revaluating printer: yes/no [color=red]see above[/color]

Current CA holdings: $29,764.79 [color=red]as of September 10, 2018
August 1st $27,657.36[/color]
Of which ½ will be frozen for expansion ($15K)
Honest talk about where we are at and where we are going
furniture needs
large equipment needs
sewing machines
floor loom
investments in each area to grow
Honest expectations of spending
Expansion budget
November for furniture requests from all SIG’s
December evaluate big equipment purchases for each area

SIG Reports
Fibers: Jeannie @kyrithia
[color=red]*Would like another set of open shelves – light and customizable 2 bins will also need to be purchased
Floor loom would like to be purchased
Lower shelves for extra tall spinning wheel
Get everything off the top of the cabinets and over our heads (this is for all committees)
With the galley and open wet classroom the applications of fabric arts will expand into dying and felting
*Wall mount the warping board
Leave out the loom if possible (this was discussed sometimes a problem)
Height of elbow (low table) is ideal for fibers
Adjustable table heights possibly
Fibers are very modular
Table thickness is an issue they have been clamping a piece of wood to the table
Solution posted by David K. to route out the edge of the table to create a lip to be able to clamp items to
A piece of bent steel is needed[/color]
Leather: Jorge and Steve[color=red]n (no n he goes by Steve) [/color] @webdevel @Lordrook
[color=red]Leather has a table in storage that will be immovable once placed
Leathers donated table is perfet and might need a new base and legs depending on condition that will be seen once it’s in place
Bins to be built under the table for storage
High table is needed for leather
Classes are usually 5 people because of both room and tools available
Supplies frequently limit class
Bowling table is perfect for leather
*needs another table for the splitter so that the splitter can be permanently mounted about the same size of the shapeoko table
Posted a solution to drill holes in the table to become a intermixable system to “drop” tools in
*Need to purchase flat file for storage of veg tan leather hides (talk to Tom) [/color]
Dye Sub: Cary @CaryF300 Not in attendance
Cosplay: Mark @Mreynolds
Drawing/Painting: Ray @artnerdray Not in attendance
Sewing: Matt @mattshooter [color=red]Not in attendance report via talk[/color]
o Standardize the sewing courses and create “train the trainer” courses where there is a process enumerated for people to plug themselves in easily to teaching - hopefully we can get a deep field of sewing instructors that can host classes potentially once a week (if we’re talking dreams).
o Start creating project classes: Piecing (quilting, but not 6-7 hours), bags, dopp kits, clothing/costumes, etc. Start getting holiday projects planned (costumes for halloween, christmas gifts)
o Create a “sewing circle” event similar to the fiber and leather open workdays that occur regularly.
o Hold any and all major purchases until after the expansion expenses and buildout.
o I spoke with Sonny sewing machines (industrial sewing machine retailer) and got prices on various industrial machines
 Thor (Juki rebrand) industrial serger $1095
 Thor 1541S straight stitch walking foot machine (the one I have) $1395
 Thor GA441 (I think that’s the model number…) $2300 on the high side, $2200 if we buy multiple other machines
o They also had a 36" throat or something ridiculous long arm sewing machine that I have forgotten the price on. It’s non-programmable though. These prices are just to keep in mind as we begin saving money for sewing, my goal is to have multiple project classes that add to our budget and allow us to add these machines to DMS, expanding our appeal and getting more members and creating a community of sewing at DMS.
o Eventually, a programmable quilting and embroidery machine, but those are going to be extremely high use bordering on commercial use so we’ll need to find a good way to address that as we continue growing the sewing SIG (but that’s a ways off).
Review any purchases above $500 for the next month
[color=red]None but Jeannie has a list of items for fibers to get Nicole[/color]

Timeline for Expansion
This is all an estimate
November for furniture requests for each area
December for equipment review and discussion

Open House
Clean up and organization effort beforehand
BIG CLEANING DAY: October 2nd 6:30-?
Follow up cleaning day: October 5th 5-? (might go away)
Each SIG in charge of each SIG cabinet
October 6th 10-6p it’s a long haul
What CA currently has going on [color=red]I showed the old one ln the powerpoint on accident
Fibers coming in hot in the common room all day
*John K talked to be after the meeting about the shapeoko I told him to move it to the warehouse for demos because of the sound
*over talk Nate needs me to shave down the button time by an hour[/color]

Expectations/How we can help
Reach out to John Gorman @talker for general volunteering
[color=red]Gorman talked about liking the cards we had printed needing a 1-2 minute talk and that on tours people are going to come back and work on things so don’t grab them. [/color]
Bought cards to distribute
[color=red]On the way
Gorman mentioned over talk (after I ordered them to have a better email) next time[/color]
Need a pamphlet made: Ask for volunteer
[color=red]No one volunteered – haha[/color]
examples from other years
How do we want to handle food?
[color=red]Tacos are needed[/color]

What that means for this room
Helpers needed to hang contact Stephanie Webb @heyheymama
[color=red]Hanging begins on the 22nd, expected to continue to the 23rd as needed.
Steve @diplomat and Kris need helpers on hanging.
Anyone with items in the Lobby, please contact Stan for access to remove them. Case is needed for the 10X10 glassworks, ceramics, and metalwork.
Ken @lampy and Nick are working on a talk-based voting system for the $50 prize[/color]

Room Brainstorming
[color=red]Jayson brought in the mocked up printed plan submitted to the expansion committee
Motion was made by Mark Reynolds to reevaluate the initial plan made by Roger and brainstorm solutions as a committee
Seconded by Jeannie Harwell
*Collaborative effort between metal and CA to create an additional bowling table[/color]
Handouts grid and cutouts
Discuss “General CA room general layout”
Dreams and Needs
Compare and share ideas on general layout and options
Sketches take pictures to upload
[color=red]To buy: flat file, shelf unit, pegboard, floor loom,
To build: another bowling table
Brainstorming is in the room leave a sticky note if you have ideas
Committee decided to keep carpet in the room [/color]

Green is to be purchased or made (chairs to be reviewed) [/color]


Well, I half way got it and I don’t see my error(s) so I’ll talk the 40/100 on this attempt and move on with my life.