CA has an airbrush, there is a general ban “spray panting” due to volatile issues that require venting. would it be possible to use the airbrush IF ONLY water based paint/media is used?
I would be willing to make a small collapsible paint booth, say 1.5 cubic foot volume, that has a strong blower that sucks air out the back and runs it through a couple furnace filters: course then fine to trap the over-spray and particulates.
There are lots of small things that could be painted in CA activities. Since this would involve non-flammable, non-toxic vapors I’m not sure if this falls under aegis of das Fire Kommissar’s spray paint ban until we have a vent/booth.
I would assume that using it for applying make-up, which I used when doing special effects in the past, would not be an issue at all. But want to make sure.
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I thought I saw someone airbrushing in the main workspace next to the woodshop last night (Wed). I may have been mistaken though as I was just returning a tool and wasn’t really paying much attention. I’ve also seen spray paint overspray on the ramp outside the back door.
We probably need to put up some signage about what the policy is on spray painting since I’m sure not everyone is aware of the “ban”.
If Air Brush is approved, I would love someone to show me the ropes on it. I have some water based specialty paint would love to leverage.
I’ve always taken my spray paint home to do as I believe we aren’t suppose to be doing it per the Fire Marshal, at least indoors. Painting outside was discouraged because overspray could hit cars.
But the FM’s concerns may not apply water based, no flammable/explosive paint. Plus airbrushing is very low volume - although volume may not be relevant for FM purposes.
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I would love to learn how to airbrush. I haven’t tried it in many years, like since the 80s. I think I was using a water based paint then. (my ‘paint booth’ did not do a good job of controlling the paint and my mom objected to paint on the dishes!)
I’m sorry I didn’t update everyone in the airbrush we were approved to buy a specific air filter/small hobby air booth for the CA space if only using water based paint.
The last talk I had with the board was about where to place the air hose down the wall (like the one that is placed in the purple classroom) instead of purchasing an air compressor.
@Photomancer are you willing to teach airbrush classes? If so lets talk and get this started up.
I haven’t touched my airbrush in about 6.5 years … mainly because it’s in storage out of state. I mainly used it with make-up, special effects type stuff. But yes, I’d to meet to discuss. We make a lot of (small) things in CA as well as other areas that airbrushing would be great for.
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