C++ class focus and continuing content poll

I am considering starting a multi-part class over C++ programming and was curious to get some feedback on potential students areas of interest before beginning writing up a lesson plan.
I figured beyond the scope of just basic proper code syntax there are two directions I could steer.
Downward: Explaining all the C++ code down to the bit level and explaining what happens computationally in your programs.
Upward: Moving forward from C++ on into using a fun to code and interesting (3d graphics) API.

If theres enough interest in both areas (student.size>=4) I suppose I could even teach the basic C++ courses with all the machine level detail as a prerequisite to a follow-up run of courses covering a very basic rendering engine design or just some standard basic directx usage.

Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Criticism? Attendees?

  • Vanilla C++
  • C++ with low-level breakdown
  • DirectX

0 voters


I’d be interested in those classes, but I wouldn’t make any per-requisites for software classes since people who are interested in level 2 might not be interested in taking a basics class.

Of course xP
good point!

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So, all I know about DirectX is that I need it installed for games to happen.

What else might it be used for?

BTW I think I mentioned it last night, but if you taught a class on C++ for Arduino or other MCUs you would already have a bunch of people who are automatically interested because other Arduino classes consistently fill up quickly.
I’m sure a lot of people are like me and only know some basic concepts, and how to copy/paste code to make it work.

Anything beyond that would beyond that would be rad, but maybe I’m just speaking for myself.

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Given the way we have our classes structured currently having a long class may not be very successful. One may learn a thing or two on rapid classes by reviewing, Learn C++ in 24 hours. Then going from there, be sure to include hands on work and something that attendees can “take home” by the end of the class to really have anyone enjoy or attend.

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My main concern with a short shallow exploration of C++ is that alot of the interest would be from members who already know another language(s) and could feel redundant. Maybe if it were like a course like: “Introduction to Programming: A C++ Approach” but i dont know if theres rnough interest from that demographic??
Idk… would it be best maybe to form any continued interest into like somr kind of meetup/indie project team? One that functions as a place for people to come in at any level and learn by working with us on a small project. Theyd be given tasks at their level of aptitude, and being taught a bit more personally at thier particular level (obv speedy development isnt the core principle here).
And then just have a basic intro class for the group??

Poll cont:

  • C++ Arduino
  • C++ intro to indie development group (id be leaning hard towards a 3d game project personally but open to any)
  • Standalone Vanilla C++ short and sweet editition

0 voters

I think you’re probably right about that. Classes that have a goal in mind tend to do better than “pure theory” classes.

“Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms. Originally, the names of these APIs all began with Direct, such as Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectSound, and so forth. The name DirectX was coined as a shorthand term for all of these APIs (the X standing in for the particular API names) and soon became the name of the collection.”

For ex. The Unreal Engine and Unity Engine are written with Directx APIs. Its main function is for handling ur gfx card and creating the 3d rendering “illusion”.
Imo its the “C” of 3D graphics programming <3… (OpenGL is for monsters!)

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