Bypass laser 101 Class?

Hey there you all might have seen my post earlier this week about getting my personal laser fixed. I got the issue diagnosed and the replacement parts ordered.

But I have a laser project I’m working on with a deadline of Tuesday, so I purchased membership and went to the tour last night. I see the soonest laser 101 course is now Sunday at 2pm, but I’d like to finish up this project sooner than that.

Is there some way I can prove my knowledge without having to wait til Sunday? I saw the class’ teacher didn’t have a profile on here so I wasn’t sure who else to speak to about this. Let me know what I can do, thank you.

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I think you want @tomthm or @talkers (or maybe @heyheymama)


I’m out of town until Sunday. Some of the other instructors may be able work something out. Mark Salas is covering my class Sunday, you might ask him. While the group classes are free, a custom class may not be, just as a heads up.


I’ve got a lot going on this weekend, but will be up there tonight and most of tomorrow. If you bring your materials, files, and laser time fees I’ll run the machine for you.


Hello, Kyle. Area laser shops that can provide a quick turnaround are listed here: Category:Laser - Dallas Makerspace . We are an educational non-profit. A tool rental facility would be more suitable to your short-term needs.


I do still plan to stay as a member and use many other areas of the space as well which is why I signed up.


I will do that thanks

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If for whatever reason you still need help. id be happy to come by and run the laser with / for you. I should be free most of the weekend.


Welcome @Kyle_Krauter,

We are often fortunate to have experienced members like yourself join, whether laser owners, woodturners, wood workers, welders, machinists…

The Basics 101 and Safety classes are still required. One main reason is so new-to-us-experts learn our systems, procedures, safety protocols… Another is that an assessment of a user’s skills isn’t a lot shorter than the classes themselves. It still takes time for an instructor to come and meet at the space, arrange time on a tool or tools, and work thru the list of items covered in the class.

Many instructors already volunteer 10s of hours a week at the MakerSpace. Their time is valuable. Please keep this in mind as well.

It will be great having you on the team. Our next meeting is Aug 5th. At that time, you can get checked out on helping maintain the equipment. This benefits everyone - the user can fix problems as they occur and keep going. Users after him/her benefit from the uptime.

Cheers, john
*edit for typos


Unfortunately I’m out of town starting next Wednesday so I won’t be able to make this one but yes I do plan to join in the next available time.

Also I totally understand that I need to learn the protocol, and I will be doing that Sunday. In the mean time it looks like some people have offered to run the project for me until then which I very much appreciate.

Thanks for the response.


Do you think you can join me up there at noon tomorrow?

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Great response, John. Thanks for getting this. Kyle, happy Lasering!