Buttons are back on the shelf!
Allow me to go over a few things you might of missed regarding them.
Honesty system. Buttons are no longer bagged to quantity, so be honest when you use them. Pay for your screw ups!
Buttons are one dollar, but vary in quantity. These are repeated on the boxes
Pin back - Large (4), Medium (6), Small (8)
Magnetic - Large (2), Medium (4), Small (6) (Currently we don’t have any smalls).
This means if you make 12 medium pin back buttons, it is only $2. $3 if you make 6 large magnetic, etc.
Also please note, i have bagged each part separately. Please don’t mix parts. They are separated so that I can see when quantities are getting low.
Magnetic buttons are in the smaller box.
Pin backs are in the large box.
Again, please be honest! Pay for your mistakes as well as your awesome buttons.
Thanks, Creative Arts loves you