Bushing driver kit

Anyone know if we have a bushing driver kit? Yes I have other ways. I’ve used punches in the past. Worst case I will turn some on the lathe.

Correct tool will help prevent scratching the table.

You could turn one.

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I have a bushing driver kit you may borrow - I can meet you at the space later this evening or tomorrow.

It is mostly snap on, with a few other pieces added over the decades.

Or…if you live some where between here and the space I can meet you with the drive kit…

Tim met me at my Gallery on 407 for the bushing kit & a few vintage Volvo/Saab cups that may work for his needs.

I gave him a box of MRE’s - so the wife wouldn’t have to cook and a box of Chem-lights to keep the children distracted while he assembles the transmission in peace (haha)


Kids will probably want the MREs’ … just like we drank Tang like astronauts. Well, they’ll probably eat them by the light of chem lights!

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