Burned out bits

i burned threw 3 bits tonight. in one set, i burned out the T, 1/2, and 15/32 bits. took me three mistakes to figure out that my metal was too hot to work and thats why i was burning them all up. im on amazon right now to replace them, and i just realized that i dont know exactly what kind of bits they were. ill be up there tomorrow to get clarification on what exactly they were. just wanted to own up to it before somebody find them and wonders who managed to mess them up.


Don’t worry about it. I should have thought about it before I was on my way home.

well i wont say your wrong. nobody should underestimate my capacity to mess up simple stuff, but still, i burned them i ought replace them right?


UPDATE! so i learned more today! unfortunatly i had to learn through more failure, but now ill never make the mistake again and know how and where to use the lathe instead of the drill press. need to be certified on it before i use it on my own, but i at least understand it well enough to know when its the right tool to use. my error was in the fact that was i was drilling into was not close enough to paralell to avoid 1 of 2 problems. if it was paralell at the top, but not at the bottom, i would get to a point where part of the bit would punch through before the other, and the differance in friction and bite would cause the bit to occilate wildly and ruin it. and if it was paralell on bottom but not on top, it would never bite properly and end up spinning on the surface instead of biting. that said, i feel like i owe a work day of cleaning or grunt work to make up for the bits i lost and time i ate up. going to look up the next cleaning day, but if theres aything else im up to the task for but nobody wants to do, consider this preemptive volunteering.


Come to the next committee meeting for a proper soul cleansing confession and chastisement. Due to social distancing we can’t have you run a gauntlet.

There are committee work days - take part in those.

Thanks for keeping up with what the root cause is - we can learn from that.

