Hi, all. This item, at this wheel:
is broken. I genuinely do not know how it broke (or what it is called lol), but I wanted to let the powers that be know.
Hi, all. This item, at this wheel:
is broken. I genuinely do not know how it broke (or what it is called lol), but I wanted to let the powers that be know.
Thanks Beth
I was there this weekend when it broke. I spoke with a supplier and we are not the first people to have this issue with he new design. They stopped making the old design and we can only purchase the new design. The replacement cost is $70 from Trinity.
At $70 we should probably try a little bit of e6000 and a little piece of plastic as a brace under it.
Could a piece be made out of sheet metal and then epoxy’d to the pan/tub? Perhaps it could be a right angle “bracket” with a top hole. It wouldn’t have to be curved like this on the outside as long as the hole goes into the right position.
Great. I am glade you guys are willing to help with this.