Broken band saw blade (resolved)

Tonight when I was using the smallest band saw the blade snapped. We were able to remove it from the saw, but we could not find a replacement blade. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone


Is that the Jet bandsaw? I’d like to update the tool status board.


Thanks for letting us know. In the future for things like this, it’s best to 1) use the Issues & Requests foruem/format; 2) tag the @Team_Woodshop folks so they are specifically aware; and 3) update the tool status page appropriately .

edit: dammit!

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I updated the TSB, but now I am not sure if I got the right one.


yes its the jet…

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TSB updated…

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Replacement blades should be on the back wall by the logs. Both small bandsaws take 105" blades.

Found the blades, replaced the broken one this morning


Thanks for doing this. I updated the tool status board.