Thought maybe some of the jewelry folks could use these… I’ll bring them up later tonight.
211 small cases with pink anti-static foam inside. These formerly held 1 8K Static RAM chip each and were upgrades for IBM Proprinters from the 80s. Chips are now tested and stored in anti-static tubes. These cases will be put on the shelf.
I figured someone could use them to sort/store/show some small trinkets.
I’m out of town until Tuesday but could you pretty please save me a few? I need a good way to keep the student’s stones organized
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Will you have them on the shelf before 9 pm?
It’ll be close… I’m waiting on the brauts to finish cooking so I can have one before departing home.
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You at the space with them yet? I am patiently waiting
I’m home now… got there at 9:04. Stupid construction on I35E coming south out of Lewisville added 15 minutes to my time getting there.
@talkers met me as I came inside and grabbed them for someone.
could science have like 10 of those?
Don’t ask me… ask the glassworks folks. 
@meanbaby would gladly share 
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