BREXIT CHAOTIC SCENES: Scuffle breaks out as Remainers attempt to block

Tearful John Bercow Speaker of the House of Commons reveals he will step down as Speaker by 31 October

BREXIT CHAOTIC SCENES: Scuffle breaks out as Remainers attempt to block proroguing of Parliament

oh those wacky Brits.
How did they ever rule half the world?


Trying to think of a witty ancestral quip, but itā€™s too early


Just intrigued by the use of ā€œchaotic sceneā€.

they should just sell Northern Ireland to Ireland. That would remove the border problem and give them a better out.

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Force, mostly.

I suspect Scotland is eyeing the door pretty hard again over all this.

Bah - bring me some Taiwanese government fights - now thatā€™s some serious good times.
Iā€™ve been to Taiwan a few times over and Iā€™ve seen a solid collection of scuffles - probably one a day for each day we visited - mostly Taxi drivers and food vendors. Just a quick few pops to the torso and creative cussing back and forth and it was over within 20 seconds or so. It was a thing. I asked my Taiwan born-and-raised husband about the casualness of it all and he just saidā€¦bitches be crazy. Soā€¦I would like to share that wisdom hereā€¦bitches be crazy.

PS I love Taiwan and have a great respect for itā€™s people and as a whole they fight like you would expect human cartoons to fight and I also know (a minuscule) amount about the pressures they deal with politically and I know itā€™s not to be made fun of. So like complex human with great passions fighting like two balloon animals getting smashed together.


Actuallyā€¦it was via the cunning use of Flags.


And they should!

Oh and that Stone of Scone thingā€¦that too.

Interesting term he uses ā€œExecutive Fiatā€
I found an explanation here. John Bercow: Executive fiat meaning - What does 'executive fiat' mean? | Politics | News |

An executive fiat, then, is a governmental decree.

However, there is the insinuation in the phrase that implies ruling by absolute authority.

The term was often used for kings - ā€˜the king ruled by fiatā€™.

Essentially, it is the enforcement of a rule by people who have absolute power to do so, regardless of democratic process.

And in Ugandaā€™s parliamentā€¦

I am so glad we are at least outwardly more civilized. I thought one man was going to dance on the table.

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Man, see that guy catch that chair? Thatā€™s a pretty good move if I do say so myself. Chair hurling at your face - nope.
I hope we all get to be surprised at some point with such a bad ass move in a fight.

Short story. I had an obnoxious and ā€œspecifically problematicā€ young man try to fake punch in the hall during an argument (the type your older brother would do all the time) I didnā€™t flinch one bit because I just didnā€™t notice it was coming. I looked like some sort of hard core street fighter. When in reality I was just to slow to realize what he was doing. Stone cold Franczvai.


apparently winston churchillā€™s grandson is a sex pest!? this season of parliment is really the most entertaining yet. I cantā€™ wait for the season finale.

The man got some moves!!

If it were really close you could fake being hit and let him get in trouble. :slight_smile:

Soccer style

There are having like a mini-civil war in HongKong.

I knowā€¦and Iā€™m somewhat fascinated by it. Tweeting out places to show, facial recognition being taken down, the way the protesters are figuring out how to information share, the umbrellas as a symbol and a toolā€¦the whole thing is really interesting to me.

Nah, kids with a short fuse will have enough trouble in life they donā€™t need charges for assaulting a teacher on school property. But Iā€™ll keep it in mind for sure.

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I would have thought this would have been shared by nowā€¦

They had God on their side.

  • Not really sure to whom to attribute this, but Iā€™ve seen it (at least) to Shashi Tharoor, who claimed to be quoting another source, and Ducan Spaeth, whom others claim originated the phrase, or at least popularized it, but Iā€™m not so sure. I therefore attribute this to a colloquialism, probably common first in various ā€œcolonialā€ regions and, later, throughout the Empire, and, later still, the world.