So I’m going to bring this back up because I’m looking for members who have home brew setups and would be interested in doing a few batches with me.
Sadly I can’t do the brewing at my apartment, but I have some equipment I can travel with. Most notably a number of good glass carboys and a pair of fermenting buckets.
Anyone out there want to help me brew a couple 5 gallon batches?
Yes, been looking at that for a while, unfortunately with my current apartment set up and the fact that I’m moving out of the country next year, there’s not much point in me building my own rig at the moment.
I am however happy to share what is made, as well as bring over (and eventually sell) the little bit of equipment I currently have
Id be down for the brewing hangout time. I have a really small house though so doing a large group is really tough for me. Another thing I’ve thought of is someone (and I don’t mind volunteering for it) can do a 90-120 minute class on homebrew 101, then we go to someone’s house to do an actual brew and do some hands on learning for what we just discussed in class.