I’m new at all this - this whole Cub Scout mom thing is a bit overwhelming. The whole “live by rules and standards” oh ya and the whole “develop a code of ethics” man seriously putting a cramp in my rule by table flipping and pill popping parenting style. I kid. I kid.
Anywhooo they gave us a paper and instructed us to go out into the world and sell popcorn. The problem being I have a truly shy child and he finds it almost impossible to strike up a smile to strangers and force a paper and Americana-laced sales pressure upon strangers and even friends. It’s something we are working on slowly with care I assure you.
So I’m turning to social media to help us avoid the problem (which I’m sure is truly the healthiest way to deal with any problem). If you have some extra dollars you would like spend on some popcorn please let me know. If you would like to just donate to the cause of little Ayden going camping and eating all the good stuff out of his trail mix please let me know too. Orrrr you can even bribe me. I’m not allowed to look at or speak to @Webdevel for a week for a $5 cubscout donation - that works for me.
It’s not exactly inexpensive but just think of the children!
How cool is Scouting? Waaay cool. I was a Cub Scout. In High School I din’t go into regular Boy Scouts but several of their I was in BSA Sea Scouts and Space Explorers.
When the Apollo missions were going hot and heavy, North American Rockwell sponsored a BSA Space Explorer post at their Seal Beach, CA facility starting in 1970. There were about 15 of us hardcore nerds that were part of that post. I actually got my first security background check because of the facilities we were admitted to.
High point as actually being able to get inside an Apollo capsule that orbited the moon (all capsules were brought back to So Calif for inspection), it was unbelievably cramped, saw the full size mock up Skylab they built, we even got a tour of the San Onofre Nuclear Power plant, including overlooking the reactor pool. No way do you get tours of such things now. Went up to JPL and got tours of their Mission Control Rooms.
In was in the Sea Explorer post (Ship) in my town in Garden Grove, CA. The Sea Scout had about a 4 acre facility on Newport Bay, CA since 1917. We had a 28’ Sloop for Ship 808 (I haven’t thought of that number in 40+ years.) At 15 y/o we could take it out and sail no adults required.
This is Ayden’s first year as a Cub, want to help him achieve success … besides, rather pay now than be hounded by a neebie momma helping a her cub. Besides look more noble, fewer teeth marks.
My sons were in scouts and I was a Cubmaster. Apparently not very good at it, as most parents wanted to treat scouting as drop off daycare. Had to require at least on family member stay. Plus it was frustrating since parents did not assist the kids with their projects/badges at home.
BTW, I did buy some caramel corn. Seems they charged tax on the shipping. But is actually good stuff. And with all the people we know in scouting it ends up being a $120 yearly habit. I won’t divulge how much we buy of Girl Scout Cookies.
Would love to help with tickets as would @Bill. The Dallas Area Rocket Society usually has a lot of scout outreach. Pretty cool to see 20+ rockets launch at one in a drag race.
We have paramilitary dad with the embroidered camel packs (I was jealous) who seemed uber serious and I instantly felt like I wanted to hug it out with him. His popcorn goal was $2,300. I have no camel pack, escape route or logic in my life in comparison.
I hope I can blend myself with him to be something of a respectable cub mom. I want my son to have a sense of purpose and direction outside of us as a family and I feel like the scouts will give him a bit of that. Plus…smores.
There was a shy kid in my son’s scout troop who also went to our church. Kid was a genius - he taped his popcorn order forms to a table outside the fellowship hall before a congregational meeting. He sold a TON of popcorn and hardly had to say a word to anyone.