Bottle Cap Opener Class : 8/19 11:00am [Open for Registration]

When Thu Aug 19 11am-1pm
Where Woodshop Lathe Area
What We will make a bottle cap opener handle on the lathe
Host: Daniel Wynne
Material Fee $10


Hey @Lordrook Steve-I would be interested to take this, but it won’t let me sign up because I haven’t completed the Woodshop Lathe Basics prerequisite. I am scheduled for that next Sunday though. If there is a way to hold a spot great, if not I’ll see if there are still spots open after I complete the pre-req and the records are updated.


Worst Case Scenario I can bring you the materials out of my personal stash and stick around after the class to help you make one :slight_smile:

Sounds like it’s a win win either way for me, I’ll look forward to swinging by! Thanks!

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I had a cancellation so there’s 1 spot still open if anyone is interested.