Kristy has the brilliant idea of having a ceramics booth at next year’s Texas peach festival (July 2020). Liam and Kristy were talking about peach themed items we could make, and we came up with:
Salt and pepper shakers
Pie dish
Sugar bowl with lid
Casserole dish with cluster of peaches on handles
Wine bottle stoppers
Ice cream scoop
Ceiling fan pulls
Napkin holders
Wax burner
Peach scented candle inside peach shaped votive
Butter dish
(These could be shaped like peaches, colored like peaches, have peaches drawn/carved into it or have a peach/peach cluster on it).
As we were talking about this, we were also thinking that we could do this with other fruit themed Texas festivals.
It would be great if we could get something together for a spring festival And do the peach festival. I think this would be a great booth and we could make a lot of money for the space. I also think we could add several other non peach pieces too.
This sounds like a great idea. I have suggested a booth at HAM-COM 2020 next May and will start working early next year. I have worked several events and have suggested that we have a brochure that could be customized by committees to pass out. I’m working this with @Team_PR. Here is an excerpt of a PM.
What I have been asking for help on is a simple flyer on a sheet of 8.5x11 folded once. The front and back panel should professional and be about DMS. I would like PR to design this and make a file available to committees in a common format like MS Word. There should be a blank area on the front where someone like me could edit in “Free Arduino Classes”, “Jewelry Making Classes” or whatever. The inside two panels should be available for committee to use as desired. For my use, the left panel would be ELab in general and the right panel would be a list of my classes. I would include a QR code to allow simple access to a page with more detail.
While we are in the electronic age, I strongly believe in the value of a flyer that folks can carry home and reference later. I have over 300 copies of the attachment in circulation through several different venues. Its not great but it gives me something to minimally serve my needs. I ran them through the DMS copier in b/w. For this purpose I would not push for color unless you wanted to.
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This might also be a good “excuse” for a class or classes on how to make our own plaster slip-casting molds.
There is also Grapefest in Grapevine in early September although that might be a bit too soon for too many grape-themed pieces, it might be a great place to sell work that people have gathered the past few months!®-a-texas-wine-experience-presented-by-bank-of-the-west/21234/
@Christykaake attended the peach festival and reported that there were two potters with nominally designed and overpriced items, and had nothing peach themed. I think that we could be more effective selling themed, novel, unique items at events where there is a deficit; a deficit in ceramics and a deficit in specialist items.
If Grapevine isn’t inundated with potters or grape-themed stuff, I’d say go for it. I’ve never been so I don’t know. However, if they have lots of ceramics stuff, I think we’d be more successful finding another kind of festival to get in on. If it becomes an annual thing, we could be very successful at being one of the top ceramics vendors there.
**Christy- sorry for not spelling your name right.
Now I know!
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I was at the Peach Fest this week as well and I think this is a great idea! Peach themed ceramics would be great!