BoD Candidate ?s: Jim Hartnett 202007

here are the questions collected on-line.
Currently, 50 questions are posted. You can reference the #1 or copy the question before your answer. Feel free to answer others questions as you wish.

DMS 2020 Election Questions (Responses) - Google Sheets

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I’ve provided all of my answers in the sheet to keep things tidy and not make this another giant blog post.



Just FYI this isn’t very phone friendly, or at least for me.

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There’s a lot of questions and a lot of answers. If I find time I will transcribe them, but I have a lot of obligations in my volunteer time to the space currently as a teacher, and as an officer. There are some pressing matters in the background. I’ll see if I can get to it sometime tomorrow

However, if you add the Google Sheets app it would likely view far easier. Or open in a browser on a desktop.

might be just you- worked for me. phone is a samsung note 10.

Questions in pdf form. I did it for myself since it did not work on my iPad or Mac Pro. Thought I would share.

Questions.pdf (99.6 KB)

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That works thanks