Had some time to myself over the recent Holiday, so I threw together the blog entries which summarize the Show & Tell threads from September, October, and November.
In the past, I’ve tried to ensure every photo of acceptable quality appears on the Blog summary. I am planning less of that for future entries. I want to make it more of a digest, and let interested parties browse over to Talk, where we already have the blow-by-blow. If you love that, let me know. If you hate that, retaliate by making your own blog posts. Anyone can do it. Or give me constructive criticisms in a friendly, nice manner, and I’ll try to listen. Sometimes I’m hard-headed, though.
If you love the blog, and want to keep up with it, you can subscribe to the RSS feed here. As far as I can tell, any blog posting will hit that feed. For the last couple years, it’s really only been the Show & Tell summaries. Feel free to address that shortfall. Anyone can do it.
I am hoping to find a way to make the “categories” on the blog RSS feedable. I’m regrettably, woefully inadequate at this. I’ve been corresponding with @denzuko on it, who is certainly capable, but likely very overwhelmed. If you have thoughts, tips, comments, or suggestions on how one could best enable a subscriber to choose, say posts categorized as “Newsletter” or “Upcoming Events”, or “Member Show & Tell” for their RSS feed, let me know.
To partially address my own questions on the RSS feed of categories, I think this address it, but don’t know if it’s applicable in our environment
If so, it SOUNDS as simple as editing a template to include the RSS feed for the category to the category page… No idea how to do that at all, let alone in our instance…
try using this subscribe to the RSS feed link instead, it has a nice user interface instead of the ugly wall of code.
FYI: adding https://feedly.com/i/welcome/feed/ in front of any rss feed url works like this.
Oh and while I think php should go the way of cobol, as for the rss feed of categories:
/// categories.php
function fetch(string $url, integer $timeout) {
$ch = curl_init(); // Initialize our handler for libcurl
// Timeout to user defined time or 5 second, closing the connection
// after transfer and preform a GET "url" where url is provided by the user
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_GET, TRUE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout || 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$results = curl_exec($ch); // Get URL content
curl_close($ch); // Close handle to release resources
return $lines_string;
// Returns an array of feeds
function CategoriesFromFeed() {
$res = fetch($SITE_URI+"feed")
return SimpleXMLElement::xpath("//category/text()")
// Return an unordered list of links to feeds with the feedly ui
<ul><?php foreach (categoriesfromFeed() as $category) { ?>
<li><a href="https://feedly.com/i/welcome/feed/<? echo urlencode ("https://dallasmakerspace.org/category/$category/feed/")?>>Subscribe to Category - <?php echo $category ?></a></li><?php } ?>
That code should allow one to dump all the categories from our main feed then subscribe to them via a link.
But with the ugly wall of code, I can simply click subscribe (on my reader) and boom, I’m in.
To use this, I would have to have a feedly account (or connect it to one of the litany of alternate authenticators, most of which I prefer not to have accounts for, either).
Cool code.
No idea if it’ll plug in on the blog site…
Adding to the growing list of RSS Supported feeds we have at Dallas makerspace. Talk also has: Dallas Makerspace Talk - Latest topics for latest posts. and each category has their own:
Updated the blog again, with Q2 2019.
Thank you to each contributor (to the Show & Tell threads I pillage for content, because I’m imaginative like that)!