Blacksmithing committee meeting and vote on new chair

A blacksmithing committee meeting has been scheduled for this Sunday, the 21st, at 7 we will be discussing future plans for the committee and voting on a change of chair for the committee.

John Haskins has unfortunately become to busy to manage all the logistics of the committee so I will be running to take over the position of chair, so John can focus on teaching and hosting open forges when he is able too.


@HankCowdog what place do you have in Blacksmithing?


Thanks for taking this on Ethan. I wish you the best on running the committee, John has left you a good set of tool to manage and Iā€™m sure the class will fill when they are posted.

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I like doing blacksmithing, but I do not and will not hold a formal position on the Committee since I am out of state for about 1/2 of the year.

I am willing to help with Open Forge days when I am in town and available, and have done so in the past.