Do we have a timeframe of when the blacksmith space will be usable again? And is there anything I can do to help with that process?
Why isn’t it useable?
Went today and the new plasma cutter was being moved in…which took the space of where the induction forge and anvils used to be. Maybe it is useable…but everything was moved and looked like it was in a state of transition, presumably to its new home
As I recall @EthanWestern said something about it moving to where the old plasma cutter was (is?) until the new space is up. Probably won’t take much time. I’m sure Ethan can chime in with the details.
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Sorry about that. We are trying to get things back in order asap.
Hopefully tomorrow, the new plasma has been a lot of work to get in, but I’ll make sure we have a spot for the induction forge worked out tomorrow
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