Black walnut wood available

We had to cut down a large black walnut tree in our backyard after the storm several weeks ago. Since we’re keeping it in the backyard, please ping me to make an “appointment”. The address is 7223 Piedmont Dr, Dallas 75227.

@AlexRhodes @MellissaRhodes



I would love to come pick up a few chunks for bowl turning. Please let me know if we can meet up next week some day after work.

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I will be home all day Sunday if you’d like to come by. Otherwise, week nights after 6pm work for me.

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I could come by sometime on Sunday to get a little if you don’t mind?

Me too please.

Since there’s a few of us interested in going Sunday, anyone want to carpool from the space to his house?

Don’t mind at all! There is so much more than we could use, plus we don’t need this much wood sitting around drying for ages. There are even some smaller branches in the garage I didn’t take a picture of.

I am female :wink:

My apologies!

Ryan can you pick me up 1 log?

Also interested!

I’m happy yo pick one up for you. What diameter do you prefer?

Ok I have to drop my mom off at 3 tomorrow then I’m going to the space to do an oil change, and can come by after that. Is it ok if it’s in the 5-7 range tomorrow?

12 round 15 long ish…really ill take what ever you pic up for me. I really appreciate it. I can stop by DMS tomorrow eve and pic it up. Can you leave it in the new glass Dept on the table? just sharpie my name on it.

You Rock!

Any small branches that would turn for Christmas ornaments would be great!

What dimensions do you want. I cut 40 mesquite trees out in Quinlan and I am only keeping 8" and above. I could bring some home next time I am out there.

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For the people considering carpooling, just want to make sure you have a truck or can bring some tools to make your lumber smaller. The tree cutters mostly left them as large, heavy pieces.

Capt and I could use some smaller branches to turn for pens, if you would be so kind.

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Sure, we’ve got some smaller ones.