Biodiesel anyone have experience?

my diesel is “in between” it does not have an injection pump nor is it common rail

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“They make drugs for this problem” -yashsedai

Aren’t drugs the solution to every problem?

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LOL they can be. Although in the words of Mr. Mackey, “Drugs are bad mmmkay”

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I used WVO (waste vegetable oil) in an '84 Mercedes converted diesel for several years. I bought a kit from and had it installed. I had a processing shed for the WVO in my backyard. Built a hot water heater into a filtration system. Lots of messy fun! After three years of using the car on WVO I sold it (still running great) to someone who has been driving it on straight diesel for the past 5 years.
If anyone would be interested in talking about it I’d love to share my experiences both good and bad.


To cool!
Wanted to do this. Bought some of the stuff. Never got off my lazy Duff to get it done. Would love to hear some war stories of we ever share a bench!

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Jast I know you have “more” garage and driveway space now…so “now” might be the time to try it out!

Well maybe in November when we have temperatures that are under 90°

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Hm. But no diesels in the stable any more :cry: and no space in the driveway to acquire some. Got some 'murcan metal needing attention, so if any duff-busting is to happen, thar shall she blow…

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Yeah, buddy. Raising this guy again!
Rig for FREE!
Comes with some other fun stuff, like this cart:

The pdf of the ad, for when it gets removed (because craigslist adsaver is no more, apparently :sob: )
biodzl1.pdf (273.2 KB)


I’ve never tried it, but I’ve talked to people who have.

It’s important to get all the water out of the fuel, or you get puffs of thick black smoke from the exhaust pipe.

Some people even have their cars outfitted to run on used cooking oil from restaurants.

Old Mercedes diesel models are popular for this, apparently.

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Diesel engines with mechanical injection pumps are generally the best candidates for waste veggie oil.


How are you ?

I’m good.

My TDI does well on biodiesel - you know - cleaner than a Prius!
Not to be confused with waste veggie oil.


Good to see you are actively posting again Zach!


So you got the boot for asking a good question ?

That sounds about right.


My wife ran refined vegetable oil in a mercedes for a while and indicated the only real problem was everything smelled like french fries and that french fries were no longer appetizing… Refined the oil herself in an old water heater rig in her back yard.

Josh - if you have questions - get with Graham.

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