Bio project for open house in January?

I know we’ve got some aquaponics stuff setup already, but I’d like to do something to show off how we can work with some of the other areas at the makerspace. So here’s what I propose:

  1. We use the woodshop to make a planter box similar to this:
  2. We find a neat rare plant or tree or something to put in it (I’ll order a Cherimoya tree or something if you want)
  3. We use the metal shop to make a stand for a water reservoir/grow lamp
  4. We setup a drip irrigation system run by an Arduino with sensors in the plant to make sure that the plant gets only the amount of water it needs, and only the amount of light it needs.
  5. We 3d print a nice box for the electronics to help with water proofing
  6. We hook it up to the network so we can monitor it remotely.

By my count that would be a collaboration of woodshop, metal shop, bio, 3d fabrication, robotics, and network.

It sounds like a lot of work, but I think we could get it done before January.


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I have a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper plant that is trained as a 3 foot tree if we want to try that.


Your buggy may be a bit before your horses there. I know Bio has a small aquaponics set up they have been trying for a while. Currently a better setup for killing plants rather than growing them. Andrew Floyd is the head of Bio and has many plans for the near future once his life comes back into equilibrium. I’d suggest plan to use the tools of different parts of DMS rather than the people. That way you are carrying the project and not forcing it on other.

Side note Lampy’s Pepper plants are thriving and would probably be a great starter plant for a project like yours.

Best of luck and I’ll try to pitch in when the project starts.

Well they are going to die anyway when the cold weather hits. My studio lights are now at DMS.

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I’ve been working with Andrew Floyd when I get free time. I was up there helping him clean out all of the barrels, and have been posting on the Bio Google+ page a lot. I’m not suggesting that we go pull in people from all of these departments, but I’m suggesting a project that involves using all of those other departments to complete a goal. It’s just a nice way to show how you can use a lot of the tools at the space to complete a bigger project that might not necessarily be a “bio” or “metal” project. The reason I put it in the Bio as a suggested project is that I know Andrew mentioned people were interested in some of the smaller aspects of the projects(such as using arduinos to drive water pumps), and this might be something those people would be interested in pursuing again.

I’m not picky about what we put in there, I just want it to be something that will catch people’s attention during all those tours and stuff. “We’re growing Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers” sounds a whole lot cooler than “We’re growing some strawberries!”


I can help with aquaponics. I have done a weekend course and collected info for years. I also have some pumps that I would be willing to loan / give to the cause. I have some grow medium, have built ebb / flow siphon systems and have a collection of sensors for flow, fluid level, water sensing, pH sensing and temperature that I had intended to put into an AP project. II also have stuff to test the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. I have thought about how we could have some plants out front (or elsewhere) and a small system to water and support the aquaculture to feed the plants and clean the water.

This makes a great sensor / controller / fabrication / bio / web project as well as orienting all at DMS to the feasibility of AP which, by the way, is really amazing once you do some research on it. Yield with such a system is 3-4x that of conventional agriculture. Water use is anywhere from 10 to 25% of conventional.

For example, we could have the system functioning with all sensors on board and have live web monitoring (including webcam) of the system off the DMS page. A little goofy, but what a great implementation of our combined skills in a useful and eco-friendly system to display for the community and others at DMS.

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