Bigfoot Research Committee

OMG, please let this be real!

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Noah Glaser,

Please correct your agenda item. It needs to be in the format of problem, solution, and Relevance to our tax exempt purpose.

I was wondering if I missed an inside joke or something


so he sees this.

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Formation of Official Bigfoot Research Committee (Noah Glaser)

Problem: Bigfoot remains undiscovered. We need to find them and discover their secrets.

Solution: Dear angry degenerate board members, I would like to formally petition for the creation of bigfoot research committee. Which would be an research institution dedicated to researching the existence of bigfoot and educating the public on it’s existence. Please approve this awesome committee, the makerspace and the country desperately need it. :slight_smile:

Relevance to our tax exempt purpose: As I am sure you are aware “research” is very 501.3ish. This committee believes that there is no ‘i’ in bigfoot education, it’s a team sport. We would be responsible for holding class like “I just saw a bigfoot now what”, “Bigfoot mating calls”, and “Bigfoot myths”.


I can’t resist…


That looks very familiar, I think we have one of those are the space. We may already have a BIGFOOT among us, research needs to be done. :smile:


That looks very familiar, I think we have one of those are the space. We may already have a >BIGFOOT among us, research needs to be done.

Agreed - we should be sure to post blurry photos of any CNC equipment that resembles this anomaly and then argue about whether it is real or a clever Photoshop hoax.

But I have been curious if there is enough interest at the space for a more catchall group like Paranormal Research which would also cover ghosts, vampires, werewolves etc.


While I do not think the current board is degenerate. I do think it would be fun to have an interest group like this … :laughing: … perhaps we can also explore the wonderful world of the undead … necro-threads and how to bring them back.


My brother in Ohio has a Bigfoot statue that he moves around his and the neighbor’s farms every week. This picture has Bigfoot ready to go to the beach. The yellow ribbon is in memory of a small child that passed away and kept a watchful eye for Bigfoot from the School Bus window.


I wish we could start discover some Dallas Makerspace legends

It’s real. All of it is real. The crap they’ve been feeding us for decades, about people hallucinating this stuff, is the unreal part. Witness: the USS Nimitz Task Force down in the Bermuda Triangle. Reports are that DOZENS of radar contacts were made with these craft, there were swarms of them.

My Pop was a USAF TADC fighter pilot, who told me these stories in the 1970s. Things he had seen during intercepts in the Southwest USA, which defied explanation.

Here are US Navy F-18 pilots experiencing their 1st close encounters:

Look up The Rake… sightings in Cedar Hill area. Ran into this in a podcast.

Why narrow it to Big Foot. “ The Research” committee.

Night time field trips in the woods with giant spot lights and high tech equipment sounds like a fun, if we don’t end up in jail.

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Could be equally exciting to search for blue tape and functioning Ryobi tools.


I think the gnomes inside the batteries are just tired. I’m not certain if the new Logistic people are aware of the delicate nature and sometimes ill temper of Ryobi gnomes. I also hear that they may have been stealing and stashing the blue tape in protest. But this is just a rumor, take it with a grain of salt.

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Gnomes! Never thought about them. In true DMS fashion, now that this has been raised as a possibility, it must be a fact and is the real reason behind everything. We should require gnomes to be trained in Eventbrite classes, get on an AD list and wait a year before being able to perform mischief. The fact that they can start mischief without a wait period is exactly why other members are deprived of being first to feed at the trough.

Maybe they are also responsible for the lack of hammers and utility knives. Could they also be the culprits who stocked DMS with primarily 18 gauge brad guns and 16 gauge brads?

Should we put forth a motion to require @Team_Logistics to trap and ban a minimum number of gnomes a week. Or maybe Logistics could set up a Gnome Supervision SIG, catch them, retrain them, and turn them into beneficial gnomes?

So many possibilities!!

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If @TeamLogistics traps the Gnomes they won’t be able to hit the Gremlins on the head with the hammers, and blue tape them up. This will cause an over population of gremlins making off with the GlassWorks tools.

We must talk with the midnight Makers about feeding the gremlins.


Dude logistics has money.
They should just hire an exorcist

Is coming to Dallas Nov 1st & 2nd & has appointment openings

If we can’t live that long with Gremlins.
Pastor Vincent in Dallas does demonic problems, bad juju, witchcraft, obanji, water spirits & spiritual husbands/wives.
Anyone opposed to me getting a quote for Gremlins?

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Charlatan if I ever saw one…

:raising_hand_woman:t3:I vote make the call Or start an exorcism committee too!