This is why we can’t have nice things.
The following parallel was found to be slightly bent - meaning it will rock against a flat surface like the vise. that had to have taken some force to do that.
Anyway, I have marked it as bent. It is still usable to establish a height but do not depend on it if you need to establish a flat.
Parallels are only accurate as it relates to the two parallel edges.
I’m curious how these were being abused to cause them to bend?
Hmmmm…Harbor Freight parallels…
You still have to abuse even a HF parallel to bend a parallel. All force should be downward.
New wavy parallels. Do we know who did it?
I had a dream I bent all of the parallels on accident, they were made of some REALLY soft aluminum and knowing how strong I am they just went crunch lol. I didn’t bend any real life ones though!
Wavy parallels ain’t cheap, so, y’know…had to make some @ Makerspace…
Ahhh…I see they are “Made of high quality spring steel, hardened, stress relieved, and precision ground”. That’s good.
Smart money is still on the DMS Nice Things Destruction SIG.
They ain’t a SIG for lack of membership…
they would probably have to have been put perpendicular into the vise and squeezed.
I agree that is probably the mode - but what the heck were they trying to do. Bent it, put it back without notifying anyone.
and that’s why we can’t have nice things.