Hey, do we happen to have anymore belts anywhere for the drill press in the metal shop? If not we will need new ones…old one is hanging on handle for anyone not convinced it needs to be replaced haha
Hey, do we happen to have anymore belts anywhere for the drill press in
the metal shop? If not we will need new ones…old one is hanging on handle
for anyone not convinced it needs to be replaced hahaVisit Topic
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I have installed a new belt on the Ryobi drill press. Took me a while to source it as it was backordered.
I would like a knowledgeable person to double check my install.
Awesome. I bought one, but wasn’t 100% on the size. Make sure you fill out a reimbursement form to get your money back.
You can find the reimbursement form on the wiki at this link
It’s the second one from the bottom, “Expense Form”.
There are also copies by the copier and you can drop it in an envelope for finance right there. Do get reimbursed and make sure Metal Shop is marked on the form.
Thanks for grabbing one, albeit that press may not be around much longer; part of the upcoming meeting is about tool consolidation and that unit is actually a loaner.
Ok , i noticed it was gone this week. What drill press can i now use for metal? For plastic?
Large Drill Press in Machine Shop for Metal and Plastics.
Small Drill Press on Sherline table for Plastics, NO Metals (drilling) can be used for Jeweling/Gemming work on metal.
The machine shop drill press is generally far better maintained than ours were, and each spot having a separate set of drill presses was just a waste if space.
Most of us already went over to machine to use the press on the table anyway.
Machine Shop’s drill press is also a much heavier duty drill press. They’re all member tools so use them. Also the one in Machine Shop has much more room to work on.
At some point we will get a dedicated set of plastic drills. Not sure when, probably after the move.