Beer and bi*ch: October 20th, 18 7-9:30p

Well guys I don’t really have a core concept on how to do this perfectly but the intent on the October 20th meeting is for the members to put faces to names and have a casual gathering of all the chairs and vice chairs (who can make it) at DMS.
We can’t buy you beers - you’ll need to come with them.

This is what I’m thinking (feel free to offer feedback):
We have a casual meet and greet for a bit and have a slightly more formal setting where questions are fielded to the panel…or it could just be a casual meet and greet.



With just a casual meet & greet, esp for the 1st time, I am certain a great discussion will follow. We can add more structure to future meetups.

As I understand this an informal chair and vice chair meet and discuss type of meeting am i correct?

Yes that’s what I’m hoping for.

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So I’m confused. An opportunity for rank and file to meet leadership (aka chairs and co-chairs for various committees) or a gathering just for new chairs/co-chairs to get acquainted?

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I see it as a “let’s get the members to meet the new chairs and vice chairs” opportunity.
Have some drinks and talk to get to know each other

Feel free to bring any leftover beer and bond over some boardgames afterwards at Boardwalk Games, off midway and Frankford. Team-building opportunity and a shameless plug there’s plenty of room and a huge (partially broken) wall of demo games.


That was a good question, because I read this completely the wrong way.

I took this to mean chair and vice chairs were getting together to discuss “sea level” business, like coordinating cross-discipline project classes, etc.

I can see how it was interpreted an it was my fault. It was my intention to have it open to all to meet the chairs and co-chairs.

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I didn’t feel that I wasn’t welcomed. But then I seldom ask for permission.

Russell Ward

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