BBC culture hour

Tonight their culture hour is in San Francisco and they talkes a little
about Makerspaces and even went to one in Northridge It is all
volunteer run and all teachers are volunteers and most things are fred

I did not catch a name other than in Northridge and that the alley behind is lines
in murals, if that helps anyone that has visited ones in that area

Northridge is near L. A.
Gosh, look at their rates. Even considering they are southern California rates, it puts into perspective that our rates are truly non-profit.


Most likely they are talking about noisebridge. Noisebridge

It’s one of the first in the US and is all volunteer run. They are having an issue with the landlord currently.

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Agree. Hexlabs looks like it is a for-profit. Non-profits almost always display that. Also it looks like using tools other than computers and 3D scanner all cost.

Noisebridge is going to rent in SF - that can’t be cheap. They say their operating expense is $6,500/mo and they have a 5,200 they are getting way below market rates on rent. Hope they make it, at least they are in an area that has folks with the income to pay higher dues.

If the BBC ever come to Dallas, we have to try to get them to fisit us
They were impresses and that space is less than half our size

Number A: it’s in Cali, ergo, better in every possible way no matter what.
Number 2: why wait for them to call? Reach out to them. See if you can DRAW them into our orbit. Offer a pint down’tpub, fishnchips, and treacle treats… Or barbeque and a Coors or 4, if that seems more to their liking…

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PR will be looking at many ways to reach out

I would love to see a Think segment done on us

It is possible the BBC does not even know flyover country exists…

…or they think of us much like they do the Outback down under.

They went to South by Southwest last year So they might come to Dallas some tiem

something like Amazon announces hdq her they will come for sure