Big Blue

Distro: Arch linux
Desktop Environment: DWM + dmenu + lxterminal + xrandr
Stack: systemd and bash shell scripting for everything
Key things of note: VIM keymaps everywhere, dmenu script that emulates mac’s quicksilver but also allows for scripting.
- tmux
- vim
- surfraw
- Uzbl
- mutt
- slrn
- irssi
- mpd
- luks
build main dev and everyday shell with a highly unified interface that follows POSIX standard and true TUI design.
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Here is my current primary station.
I work from home so I’ve got quite a bit of planning into mine (though I recently recabled a lot of stuff and it isn’t final, so excuse the rats nest under the workstation).
The workstation parts can be found here:
The network is multi-homed with two ISPs over different mediums, with about 4 kW-hr of backup energy for the primary workstation alone (and more for each switch and ISP interconnection).
Combined I have over 30TB worth of storage in that beast and growing.
Directly Connected
only cost 260$ - Hisense 43" 4k HDR10 @ 60hz
Two smaller ones are 21" and 22" I think connected to a dual 4k usb3 pluggable docking station
Top tower is:
Amd Ryzen 5 2600x running around 4.1
16 gb of ddr4 ram at 3000
Radeon RX570 4gb ddr5
1 tb Samsung Evo 970 m2 drive reads at 2400 MB/s and writes at 3200 MB/s
Noctua NH-D14 am4 version
corsiar k95 keyboard
razer death adder first gen
Bottom Tower is something - beside the desk - plex and HA stuff
intel i7 3.2 ghz
16 gb of ram
16 TB HDD for storage - JBOD no raid
1 TB SSD for os
Old Radeon Card
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