I’ve put a new blade in the bandsaw so we should be good (for about a week).
Remember - if you’re in the machine shop and someone is using the bandsaw, take 2 SECONDS and look up from what you’re doing to make sure they are not abusing it by trying to push their project thru the blade at lightning speed and using oil if necessary. Remind them if you have to to let the blade do its job.
It’s YOUR machine shop too, so if you want a good bandsaw when it’s your turn to use it, make sure someone isn’t ruining it for others. Please and thank you.
I would also like to inform people to think the same for the horizontal bandsaw in the metal shop. Let gravity and the blade do the work. If there is chatter, adjust the weight on the blade.
Do not push down.
if the workpiece is getting really hot even with oil, it’s a good bet the blade was dull about a week ago.
pushing too hard will heat it up, but more likely you hear a change in the pitch of it cutting. unless you hear it daily you probably won’t be able to tell. you can also see the chips it is generating. if it is a good constant amount of dust, its ok. otherwise it is just friction cutting.