Baltic Birch Cut Offs for the low low price of free

Hello Makers, I am making different arrangements for my woodworking activities and am closing out a storage area where I have an embarrassing abundance of Baltic Birch cut offs. This is all laser grade plywood. The majority is 5/8" thick & the balance is 1/2".

I am going to bring about a half a pickup bed of these to DMS this evening. Per Pearce I am to put in the dock area by the Free Shelves. If you have craft projects that could benefit from getting some of this … Come on down. Whatever is left at end of day Sunday will go to the dumpster.

Craft projects, jigs, glue ups for the lathe, practice wood for joinery testing, sit around a bonfire and tell jokes about Putin (it is Russian wood :grinning:), or maybe Creative Arts can host a contest for the most interesting makery using these pieces! @barkingchicken

Starts sometime this evening and disappears Sunday evening.


As I am stuck in the airport, some kind soul snag me enough to make a small bench for a 2nd seat for the looms, and some more for a small lectern

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Baltic Birch is at the Free Shelf area. One box is mostly long & thin. The other is not so much, but it kinda depended on which I was closest to when sorting.

Much of this has laser char … if any you get does … DO NOT CUT ON THE SAWSTOP or your free wood could set you back a $100 safety cartridge.


The pieces are fairly small. Most of them are narrow and long. I snagged you a few pieces that might work as part of the loom seat. They are in CA, behind the loom.


Why does laser char matter? Still learning wood rules.

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It is conductive and will trigger the SawStop safety brake.


Thank you! Putting that in me notebook :grin:

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You can use the second table saw or a bandsaw instead. It’s $100 if you trigger the SawStop with char or metal.

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