Badge Challenges (Part II)

Use this topic as a place to link posts/responses/etc from the associated topic (Badge Challenges (Part I)) if you are going to be posting with the intent of earning badges. Thx!

I wasn’t going to bother with getting badges, but now its starting to feel like a game. And I love games. I also like completing lists D: I may have a problem.

Am I doing it right?? XD

/edited for MOAR BADGES


lol Yes ~ you are using these threads as intended… Enjoy! :wink: :slight_smile:

99 posts to go/
99 more posts!
1 more post/
and then there were left/
98 posts to go!

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Just to be safe though… be sure not to change the subject/title… It may not make a difference, but why take the chance? :wink:

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If very many people try to get the Organizer badge, this place could become a love fest of handing out likes.


Can I come in and cuddle. I love love fests


Hey, cool! - I just got my Arrogant SOB Badge!

I’m glad we moved to this new system…


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I tried to see what defines the schedule for the reader badge, but couldn’t find it, I found the query and the table that info is seeded in, there is probably a seperate scheduler service that runs somewhere?

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