Bad QR Code on the automotive shop lift?

Please help, I downloaded an app to read the QR code on the lift, in order to pay the $20, and ended up with a horrible virus on my phone. I have an android. The strange part is… I downloaded the app, then scanned the QR code on the side of the lift, it gave me an error message “Paypal link could not be verified” or something similar. So, I attempted to uninstall the app, but it will not allow you to use the traditional uninstall method.
Then all of a sudden full screen bogus ads kept popping up every few seconds.

I’m afraid someone else might scan this code and have their phone hijacked as well, should I go up there and remove the QR from the lift?

Thank you,


The QR didn’t give you a virus, I bet it was the QR code scanner app. We’ve been using that QR for long time, I’ll check it today and remove it if no longer valid. Unless someone beats me to it.


Thank you!
Is there anyone out there who might be able to give me some guidance on
removing this from my phone?

Thanks again,


For your review and edification:


Thank you @mblatz!
This is exactly what I needed.


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