Available Wood for pick up!

Hey Everyone - A gentlemen approached me today stating that he had a large maple tree that he was cutting down tomorrow (4/14/16). He has a landscaper cutting it down at 8:30am and hauling it away if nobody claims it. I have the address in Plano and contact info if anyone with a truck or trailer is willing to help haul it away.

Please shoot me an email if you are interested.
[email protected]



uhg. I’ll make room in the van. @Azalaket note on the way.

But I only need a little, so if others want some too… Let’s get it.

I wish we had a place to store the wood, because the turning wood area is full. It might be a good idea for woodshop to consider a storage unit for wood storage. That way we could take better advantage of the opportunities that seem to come all the time to DMS.

During the wood turning clean up we talked about setting up a group of members willing to go out and help people like your friend and then bring the wood back to DMS in a usable state.

Reminder Woodshop Meeting Monday

Thanks for the heads up @Azalaket

Hey Nick - We DO offer a place to store wood for turning, fortunately/unfortunately it is full with now usable pieces for turning…

If you, Gorman, @jlcourtman, @mblatz and/or anyone else is interested in bringing back usable pieces, I am OK making an exception. I am fine with allowing approximately one additional pallet worth of space back there as we implement the new woodshop layout over the next month or so.

Moving forward the plan is to allocate a 4ft x 4ft space with the option for a shelf in the woodshop for woodturning logs. I am happy to discuss this further at the meeting on Monday.


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I can probably help break it down, depending on when you’re doing it.

Hey Mat - The guy is cutting down the tree in Plano today from 8:30 - 2:30ish. I will ask him to leave larger sections of the trunk and burl areas behind for you all to pick up. He’s in Plano, PM me and I will share his info with you.

As I understand, it will be mostly broken down already. I can help store some of the material and bring it in as we free up space. You guys planning on showing up with a bucket on Anchorseal?

If someone wants to grab some that are large sized for blacksmithing stumps, we’d appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Woodshop could take over the second offsite storage location logistics has if you get rid of / sell the vacuum former and 650 pound vacuum tank that is currently the only thing in that unit. (assuming @ESmith approves of this proposal I just made up without consulting anyone)

Brandon’s account been hacked! Imposter be gone!:wink:

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Hi Andrew, will you be at the Space Sunday sometime between 10 a.m. and 4
p.m.? If there are large pieces in the wood shop not acceptable for turning
blacksmithing could possibly take them off your hands… Please either
email me at [email protected], or see John Haskins or I on Sunday to
discuss further.

John G, if you fellows could pick up a couple of large trunk pieces, about
20 -24 inches in length, the blacksmiths would sing your praises…


Just thought I would post a finished piece from this wood. It’s silver leaf maple, quite a bit of color and some figure to it. Still several pieces on the pallets in the wood shop.