Automotive Lift Classes for 2023

Good evening,

I am interested in learning how to use the automotive lift but I haven’t seen any courses available since joining. Will a course soon be available? Can we get one set up for sometime in the next month or so?

Please reply if interested as well.


So – lift instruction has been running alongside the normal Motorsport meetings, almost every Thursday night at 7pm. (Depends on the race schedule, don’t ya’ know). It’s rarely on the Calendar, and then just as the meeting.


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This is usually done one on one. I think @Llenclyen teaches classes sometimes.

Thank you dryad2b and Julie-Harris for the feedback! I greatly appreciate it. I’ve signed up for the course and I’m looking forward to it! :slight_smile:

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There is training on the 4th at 11AM, posted on the calendar.

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I’ve reactivated my membership and I’ve tried to sign up for the Auto Lift Training on 2/4 @ 11am but when I select Register for this Event and log in with my DSM account, I receive the following error:

CakePHP: the rapid development php framework

An Internal Error Has Occurred

Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred.

I see that it’s already full. Maybe you tried just as the last person signed up? Or, the Calendar saved you and then threw this error for no reason?

@Llenclyen can look and see if you’re signed up or not. It’s not my class, so all I can see is Full.

Try this – when you’re signed into the Calendar, you’ve got My Accounts up in the top right corner. If you click that, you’ll see Hosting Events and Attending Events. Click the Attending Events, and see if that class is listed.

Login with your DMS username only, not the whole @blahblahblah part.
This is the #1 cause of this issue.

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I don’t have you on there but if you show up at that time and pay the $5 to automotive committee we can get you cleared.

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Thanks for responding so fast.

That worked. Thanks.

I was able to register. It only allowed the free registration but I’ll bring my $5. See you on Saturday.

Dang! It says no spots left :pensive:

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Paging @Llenclyen

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Sorry didn’t see this till just now. Automotive tends to meet on Thursday and can sign you off then. I have some availability and may be able to get you through it outside of a class. What is your schedule like for this week?

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