As far as a Maker supported fundraiser - What if we did a Silent Auction type of thing that incorporated all of the Maker donated items then sent the proceeds to a dedicated PayPal account and then on to the relief fund we think is best? I’d be glad to donate some of my wood turning stuff and help with the event?
Also - One thing to consider is that while the immediate need for relief funds is very important, the long term needs of a recovery effort of this scope will be ongoing and just as important - So if we take a week or two to organize and set up the event I don’t think we will have lost any traction in the overall scheme.
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That sounds like a great idea Holly I can try to bake some things too
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Hi Paul That is good idea and we can start working on that… I don’t know if you saw my other post (DMS Main) about what me and @Monikat were putting together next week… I don’t know how to link it here. But we would appreciate any donated and wonderfully handcrafted items from you That would be a great idea though, to do a silent auction Perhaps that can be an event organized for maybe a month or so from now?
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