August Monthly Membership Meeting on 11-Aug-2016

Continuing the discussion from Reminder: December Monthly membership meeting TOMMOROW!:

Andrew’s email alert lives on!

All members are encouraged to attend, and members who have requested voting rights should make every effort to join us! Remember, quorum is counted at the started of the meeting (8pm), so be on time, please.

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I just entered CA notes to it tonight.
I won’t be able to attend as that is past my sons bedtime.
Can I give proxy to anyone who will be in attendance?

I added one indent to those notes. We still cool? :slight_smile:

You - Me - Gravel Yard Midnight!
No weapons, biting and kicking ok but no face punches.

Yes! no biggie at all.

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ROFL … and I read that as “Grave Yard” on the first pass. Spooky!

That would qualify as a Midnight Maker Event


Who do I talk to about login issues for setting up voting rights? I can log into billing, event calendar etc, but it won’t take it for setting that up. I’ve tried a few times the last few weeks (had other login issue, but resolving that didn’t fix this one) and nada. Doesn’t recognize my login stuff. :frowning:

You can request voting rights by creating an iTop ticket. Here is the relevant wiki article on that:

You’ll need to select “Voting” as the “Service” after “Create a new ticket”

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Ah … you can’t log into iTop. Check that you’ve created your Active Directory account (also on that page).

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Interesting. Flagged on my own post for bumping it back to the top of the pile, as I can’t pin it to keep it in the eye of all members.

Too bad we can’t see who flags our posts…

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I’ll bet my left nut one of them was BS. Well both of the were BS, but i think you get what I mean…

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Flag bandit strikes again!

Theoretically junk posts to bump might be considered legitimate bad behavior since you’re using it to work around a permission you don’t have (pinning). Not something to get too upset about I think.

Remember, Monthly membership meeting on Thursday!

[edit: perhaps someone should put it on the events calendar?]

I added it to the calendar, but just an FYI, any member can add it to the calendar.

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