Clark unloaded a glaze… come get your items
Hi all, bisque has been unloaded and a glaze has been put in. The shelves are full so please come get your pieces. We are running out of cookies so we need your help in getting some made so we can keep things moving
Thank you!
I’m missing 2 hand made squares about 3 inches with a hole in center and one cookie with a small lump of clay on top. I feel like they may be in or under someone else’s bisque. Please let me know if you see these items. Was on shelf to be bisque fired.
Thank you,
I remember putting them into the last Bisque fire. They should be there.
The firing team ran out of cookies loading the glaze firing. We are in need of volunteers to help make cookies, because we will not be able to run glaze firings if we do not have enough.
Where did they all go I stacked a mountain of them when we unloaded two days ago? A ton of new ones too.
Many have glaze drips on them and we need to replace them. What we truly need is the trays that can contain drips and specific trays for large or different shaped items. Large discs and trays would be so helpful
j, I had cookies fired for a personal project. Might be what you saw.
How would one make these cookies? What sizes would be best?
There are a variety of acceptable methods/types. There’s the glaze tray cookie – it is best thrown so that you’ve got a lip, and you make a … big flat button in the middle so that the glazed sides of the items don’t touch anywhere – they’re just sitting on the unglazed base.
There’s the flat tray type. Roll out a slab, and cut biggish circles and/or squares. There’s a nice hexagon cutter in the surface decoration (or whatever) box in the cabinet. The hexagon seems a bit big, but some people’s pots are large. I put 3 “buttons” of clay on them, so that the pot isn’t resting directly on the cookie.
For sizes, well, anything goes. Take a look at the glaze shelf to see the range of sizes. I start with rounds that I use the Coyote glaze jars as a template. I made some of that size and a couple of the hexagons.
Wowwy, my planter sure cracked to death!