August’s Machine Shop Meeting ,8-24-2019, will have a precursor cleanup & light maintenance day starting a Noon. You do not have to be there at noon. If you can come by even for a short bit, I feel we can find something for you to do. We will want to straighten up the Machine Shop including the teachers cabinet. I am looking for others to help if they have better ideas on how to sort some items. I will have some food for those who choose to help.
The reasoning to have the cleanup before the meeting rather than after is if we have any items that need to be addressed, we can vote on it if necessary.
The Machine Shop Meeting will be at 5 PM in the Lecture Hall
I have these ideas so far for an agenda.
Machine shop agenda Items
Debrief over the past month
What happened?
What went right?
What went wrong?
Why did it go wrong?
Lessons learned.
I would like to ask some folks to volunteer during the tour nights, a more of a rotation of folks willing to help. I am willing to do a Thursday night, I would like to encourage others to help with Machine shop so there is a face to answer questions.
Financial report
Needs?- consumables
Needs?- tools
Would you like to see something different done?
Share your project or ask the committee to help you with an issue.
Commence at 17:05
Discussion over tours & who is willing to volunteer to be here on a rolling tour basis. In the machine shop PM, we will clarify & schedule with each other.
Brief discussion over the Band Saw & how to help mitigate the blade deficit. Discussion of putting a Newton Minutes load cell that would charge you more the harder you pushed. We are only half joking.
Brief discussion over drill/taps. General agreement to try these below. No vote since the cost is relatively minimal & not necessarily required.
Tap kit & drill index
MSC MG59337543
Brief discussion over the following bits as they are sale. These will be for teachers use & maintenance of the Machine Shop equipment. Same as above in general agreement.
Cobalt 135*
Discussion over adding 2 manual transfer switches for the Surface Grinder/Drill Press & HAAS/Shark Lathe. The general consensus was not to do it but to place a lock on the disconnect for the surface grinder similar to the way we have on the Cold saws.
Motion to dispose of Hardinge 5C collet chuck via Treasurer to sell in test of the new proposed rules with proceeds to go to the machine shop committee. Unanimous for vote.
Tim Bene
Bob Karnaugh
Charlie Proctor
Calvins Stence
Tru Robertson
Bob Burford
Chris Marlow
Nicole (frogbit) I did not get her last name
All above Voted
David Kessinger & Paul Morley were not in the room at the time of the vote.