August 2018 Machine shop meeting 8/25

I thought I posted the meeting on talk for the Machine shop meeting, But apparently I have not. It is on the calendar for Saturday the 25th at 5pm.

Anyone is welcome to come. You do not need machining background, nothing to be afraid of, as we all were not born knowing machining.

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I thought you had, as well. I think this is it:

I remember it being announced as several of us replied that the date would work for us.

Anyone who has an interest in machining PLASTICS should drop by as we’ll be having a discussion on the formation of a plastics interest group (pig? :grin:)

Lol, Well I sure did.

As Nick stated we will be discussing composites, not just plastics.

On a side note. Does anyone know if we have an iPad cable to hook up to the inputs for the projector in the Lecture Hall?

Id like to show the layout & potentially move items around slightly in the drawing if need be.

@malcolmputer Works out perfectly!

Yep. I’ll be up there at just the right time.

Anyone know if we have one of these?

Here are the minutes from the Meeting today:
Hopefully I spelled everyone’s name right.

August Machine shop meeting

Nick Silva
Billy Epps
Rich Myer
Bob Karnaugh
Mike Glass
Tod Caldwell
Calvin Steence
Alex Thomas
John Huff
Adam Overman
Ethan Western
Malcolm Galland

Chris Wischkowsky

Discussed the new floor plan

Discuss the SIG of Plastics/Composites
All for including one Proxy for David Kessinger. Nick Silva volunteers to lead said plastics/composites.

4th Saturday for Meetings Passed. 1 opposed

Bandsaw locking by October unanimously

Initial funding for 2k for acquisition monthly Unanimously

Hopefully new cleaning day every other month.

Additionally I have posted until February the committee meetings. The next meeting will be voting fo the chair position.


I added this to the committee wiki, in the Governance section. I assumed 5:00 typical start.

Sorry I missed the meeting (I fell asleep).

< addendum >
Discussion was held on whether to accept the two CNC mills being offered. We need a little information on what is available with them. They us a tottallly different size tool holders (BT40 vs. CAT40). Considering cost on tool holders can easily be $200 each plus the retention knobs it could run us into a lot of money to outfit them. There is also the timing issue on whether we will be in our new workspace so we can store them. Further discussion is tabled until the next meeting and until we can find more information. Discussions will be posted to TALK.

Discussion on attaining some cage or locker storage was held. These are under $500 each and can be ordered on an as needed basis. Further discussion is tabled until we move.


I would just like to say that for those of us who are not involved enough in your committee to come to meetings but still want to be kept abreast of what’s going on this is a fantastic way to report minutes. Thank you!