August 2017 Kiln News

Anything of mine that is unwrapped is ready for bisque. Still wrapped bowls will go to the Thursday class in case someone breaks something/would like another.

@Shirley - they are on blue bats all the way to the right and low

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Unloaded the glaze kiln. Everything that had been glazed up to Friday had gotten into that kiln.

One bowl that I was suspicious of (glazed completely down to the edge that touches the shelf) did indeed run. I’d put it on a glaze tray, so now that’s fused.

@meanbaby’s bowl didn’t run. The commercial stilt did melt a bit. The spikes completely collapsed under the weight of the bowl… And the stilt stuck to the glaze tray I put the whole thing in.

That was it. No other sticky bits. Everything else that I stuck a cookie under came loose from the cookie.


After macro, I’ll have some more glaze trays to donate to the Save the Shelf effort. They’ll be pedestal style but that might help them last a little longer.

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Thank you, I’ll try to knock it off when I get back to Dallas. I have used that stilt multiple times with high fires but, I did not even think about the weight of that large bowl. I should have use the bed of nails for more support.

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I’ve noticed that those commercial stilts don’t seem to be quite the right metal for repeated high fire. We’ve got a collection that’ve been used, and it seems like every time I use one of those, it collapses under the pot. They were there before I started firing the kiln, so I don’t have any idea how many times they’ve been used.

And – now there’s a bisque kiln running. There was Too Much Stuff. Some of Carl’s mugs didn’t make it in, and one of Matthew’s Large Plant Pots didn’t go either. There’s also a small really thick piece that I didn’t want to explode (might not) with the really full kiln.

If there’s just a few more things, I may run another bisque when this one comes out. It’s looking a bit lean for either bisque or glaze right this minute.

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I’m going to put a lot of little things out for a bisque kiln this afternoon.

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