Audio stream from OBS to Zoom - Mac platform

Happy New Year, DMS.

This may be a hopeless quest and for right now I’ve aborted this attempt. A friend has a talk in a week that will be done over zoom teleconferencing and I had hoped to create a live broadcast production, managed in lieu of using the usual webcam and mic. I wanted to do this in order to use a chroma keyed screen, two cameras, add text and video from several feed on the same computer as well as to have better control of the placement and manipulation of these feeds and to change “scenes” as needed (intro, main part of the talk, etc).

Now I’m realizing that zoom is not really suited for this but the platform choice is out of my control. I thought I almost had it figured out. First of all, there is a ton online of “how to stream your Zoom to OBS”. That is not what I want to do, rather the opposite. I want to create and manipulate an audiovisual feed on OBS and feed it into Zoom.

Zoom takes feed from the choice of a “webcam” and an audio input, the latter of which can be a virtual audio device created by the user.

OBS does have a plugin to create a virtual webcam. This works well and I can pull that into Zoom as the item, ‘OBS virtual Webcam’ appears on the list. The problem is pulling audio into Zoom from OBS. I just cannot find a way to do it. I resorted to capturing my audio on a mixer outside of the computer then feeding it into the computer in a digital USB audio stream. I had so many problems with synchronizing the audio as running all these programs on the 2015 Macbook pro was hard on its resources. Also, my digital audio virtual feed would occasionally disappear making the entire process unreliable, a possible disaster for the live event.

And I played with some of the Rouge Amoeba products like Loopback and Audio Hijack (nice products, BTW) but they had the same problem with the disappearing audio feeds.

This is some background of what I have done.

Back to what I think would be the solution but I cannot figure it out. OBS can insert audio delays in its integrated mixer. I tested a sample recording of my scenes and got the sync just right. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a virtual audio channel out of OBS to be visible to Zoom in the microphone list. Zoom can pick up all sorts of Mac system sound devices including what I setup with Audio Midi setup including SoundFlower channels. Zoom can also pick up the devices I create with Loopback and other virtual audio apps. I just cannot get anything out of OBS that I can pick up in either Zoom or a virtual audio app. I don’t really understand the OBS object called ‘audio output’. When created, it appears in the OBS mixer panel as an audio input.

One solution would be if zoom could use a combined video stream but it seems it cannot.

If OBS could output a ‘virtual mic’ the way it has implemented a ‘virtual webcam’ then that would work.

For now, I’ve just aborted these attempts after too many hours of working on it and I’ll just do my best with Zoom in my home studio.

Any ideas on this? Other platforms besides OBS would be an option as would solutions from anyone who really knows OBS.


Have you trained Syphon? It’s designed to do exactly what you’re looking to do (audio transport app to app). I’m pretty sure OBS supports it, but not sure on Zoom

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So zoom can only see a webcam input, but a webcam input doesn’t have to be a webcam.

Look at the ATEM mini or ATEM mini pro. Will have multiple inputs HDMI, audio, etc that then feed into zoom as a “webcam”. Switch inputs etc on the fly.

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Here’s a good video that talks about ATEM mini (and Pro version) touching on setup, settings in zoom, lower 3rds graphics, live streaming, and recording via OBS. Looks like you’ll need Pro version for live-streaming as it has the encoder built in. There are certainly countless other options, but ATEM is the one I’m familiar with.

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Does VoiceMeeter Banana (yes, actual name) have a Mac port? If so that’s what I use for virtual audio pluging for OBS to work with Google Meet, Zoom, etc.

There is no banana for Mac, but there is a flower that seems like an alternative.

Thank you for all the replies!!

Yes, quite a challenge. I’m discovering that just because I can find an app to run to do whatever does not mean that it’s practical . . . from a computer resource point of view.

Example . . . I aborted trying OBS. Great program but resource intense for my hardware. Then add Zoom and the Elgato HDMI capture hardware - great but things slow down to a crawl such that I cannot even launch a browser window in less than a minute.

In going to back to just using an external webcam on Zoom I even noted this. I have a Logitech Streamcam. Actually a quite nice webcam. I was pleased to find that it comes with an app that allows one to select parameters for the camera and the app could even be considered an ultra dumbed-down OBS since you can select a chroma key (green or blue), add text, change the zoom, crop, do just a bit of color balance. It grabs the Logitech camera webcam stream. Zoom cannot now use it . . . but it puts out another virtual webcam stream that will appear in the selection list for Zoom to use. However this really slowed down zoom such that the video delay was around 1.5 sec. Not really a problem though except that the audio was still minimally delayed, now leading the video streamed to participants by about 1 second! Zoom needs an audio delay correction. I realize I could now probably do a Loopback app hack of the audio stream and add a delay but that is again another resource drain. I’m getting down to the wire on getting this production working so next time I’ll explore more of the hardware options for this.

Is this any help?

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Hardsuit - Thanks. I did look at that vid. It references a product called Virtual Audio Cable and it might work. This would allow me to delay the audio in the OBS mixer panel. I’m thinking that the VAC product is similar to the Rogue Amoeba products (Loopback and Audio Hijack) but IDK for sure. Might try at some point. Right now I’m realizing what a drain each of these add ons put onto my computer (Fastest 2015 MacBook Pro - bought in 2018 ) and that causes a big zoom latency even if the audio is synced in OBS . . . It is around 750 msec.

I watched the above video re ATEM - I’ll have to price these things and see if that is something in my future. I love the idea of doing this in hardware if it gives plenty of flexibility. And I know the BlackMagic products are quality so I suspect that it does offer these options.

The other benefit is that something like the ATEM is hardware, not software. It may help with your lag issues since it’s not pulling resources from your “broadcast” laptop.

Edit: apparently you can also rent one. I’ve used lensrentals in the past both just renting and purchasing.

@apparently_weird is correct. My last job was designing and implementing systems like this. We were running the ATEM software on 7yo iMacs for some users to save costs and let them use existing computers. Their old devices were notorious space heaters, but the products they’ve put out over the last 4-5 years just keep getting better