ATF making Rules or Laws?

This senator makes a good point. The Legislature has gotten lazy and let the alphabet agencies make the new laws when the people don’t have a say in firing them.


Sasse usually speaks well. And here, he speaks very well indeed. Wonderful time to call out Congress for abdicating it’s role as The Maker of Law, and Sasse did it well.


Sasse may make a good president - good profound point on his part about Congress getting lazy. Sad part is it assumes the general public will actually take the time to educate themselves enough and vote effectively and that’s not happening.


That speech gives great reasoning for many of the issues we see everyday in our government. It resonates strongly in me and I hope others as well. Thanks for sharing, I hadn’t seen this yet, and would have probably missed it in the mess we call the media.


Interesting that the judge is taking notes as he speaks.

I wondered about that as well.

Across all parties, across all levels of Govt.

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The judge may have been asked to comment or speak to something Sasse was saying, i.e. “what do you think about everything I just said, Judge?” My observations of this type of stuff are that he was probably jotting down reminders about what he might respond to or what was said that, e.g. “S. mentioned powers of congress…refer to article blah, section blah of const.”

Also, I’ve also noticed people do this to convey that they are actually actively listening, even if they are just making squiggly lines. So could just be good acting or just for the camera…


Could be noting points being made so as not to repeat if not working from a script.


Judges write notes constantly.