Assembly of DMS Computers

Is there any desire for new computers to be assembled for the DMS? Do we need new computers?

I’ve spoken with Brooks about this earlier in the year and secured a supplier that can get us a good deal on all in ones and laptops but haven’t heard back from @Team_Infrastructure.

Maybe @StanSimmons might be able to answer your question?

Thank you I have messaged him…

We do need a couple of new computers for the new lasers coming in. I’ve been comparing prebuilt vs parts and I haven’t decided which to go with yet.

Could I write a parts list and price based off a limited defination of the computer.

Would graphics card be necessary or just general performance increase be good?

For the laser computers, a long and painful discussion here: New specs for laser computers (upgraded and resolved)

We first want the print server to be a print server. So what I got from the laser printer thread is that we need to edit the orginal laser printer computer to restrict editing tools to admin so to can take up time at laser printer server editing… also a change local security policies so a user needs to login every 15 to 20 minutes(a guess) to continue the print job or the job is killed.

Second we need a high price computer for prep work on the laser station… Must have mac and windows on a custom computer… Good graphics and big screen… Nvidia or amd stuff (radeon)? an network hard drive for laser. Does this sound close to the requests.

We don’t want people editing/creating/hogging the computers in the Laser area to work on files… the files should be finished when they arrive. The Laser computers are for running the jobs on the laser, not creating the files.


Yes It was mentioned in the thread the laser printer computer should not be used for editing. Second that people leave the laser printer going and do not monitor the laser printer. Would editing the local security policies to terminate a laser printer is a member password is not entered every 15 minutes to 20 minutes curb people leaving print jobs? Has this problem been resolved another way?

Would it be helpful to have a second seperate computer at dms for editing of files for the laser printer.

Maybe we do not need new computers at dms? Is this the suggestion?

Slow down there… talk isn’t a real-time communication medium.

We are getting two new PC’s for the two new lasers. Pre-built or parts kits hasn’t been decided yet.

We don’t have space to put a dedicated PC for creating/editing laser files.

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So perhaps a mini itx motherboard computer? It would give the possiblity of additional graphics cards later and conserve money.

The current Laser PC is a few years old and has the following:

AMD FX-8350 8 core 4GHz
NVIDEA GeForce GTX 580

The two new Laser PCs should have current i7’s and a reasonable video card. If you would like to spec out a parts kit build, I’ll be happy to look it over. Don’t go crazy on the price.

We had a past board meeting where we discussed setting up a design area with 4 very capable computers. The idea was to have this area available so that we did not need to outfit every committees area with higher end computers. Of course each committee can spend their money as they see fit based on need. Committee computers which were attached to the local resources like vinyl cutter, laser cutter, cnc router, pcb router, large format printer, etc. were to be only have basic tweaking capabilities but YMMV.

It was determined that we did not have enough space for this in Room One (common room). This is still a need but were will we put them?

I have a misunderstanding so please enlighten me. I have found that the biggest bottle neck in computers is the hard drive and thus I have done raid 0 on a computer. It also speeds up virtual memory. So would a raid 5 hard drive be desired in this computer?

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An SSD will be plenty fast.

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I have thermatank level 10 case is this a ok case? It would reduce estimated costs…