My name is Jordan and I joined this makerspace about a month ago driven towards the jewelry section. I have been wire wrapping for about a year now and decided to pursue the career of a bench jeweler. Unfortunately going to the school in Paris TX is not an option for me. I was hoping to get some training here, or shadow someone as they work at least until I can attain the knowledge I need to land an apprenticeship. I’m keeping my eyes open for the casting classes that are said to be posted soon, but is anyone free during the daytime on the week days to show me the ropes? I went to the orientation this week and Austin did a great job showing us around.
I’m looking to become more involved and teach some wire wrapping classes in the future! (I’ve uploaded a few pictures of my latest and greatest.)
Lovely wire wrapping and a different style from what I teach or
what Jeanie teaches
I am available during the day, but I am our funky Jewelry artist, not
one of the bench jewelers. so I am not much help unless you also want to
add art jewelry to what you can do
I have a class on the rolling mill coming up on next Mon night
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I do some casting classes but got sidetracked from my expected schedule so the classes got pushed out a few weeks. If you are interested in casting I sometimes am there Fridays in the daytime if my flexible work schedule doesn’t ask me to work. Then I’ll do a day on Saturday or Sunday. Right now I’m getting waxes made for lost wax casting but might be persuaded to do some sand casting sometime.
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Brookhaven CTE classes are cheep cheep cheep too…and overall less cost than the $25/30 per class for some posted at DMS. I’d also suggest Nancy T. Hamilton and her youtube and Online Jewelry Academy.
I’ll put some bezel cup classes on the calender but it will be a while