Article: Calumet Twp. woman becomes first in NWI to get electronic brace

"McCoy, 39, had reason to be happy. The Calumet Township woman hadn’t been able to use her right arm since suffering a massive stroke on Mother’s Day 2013, followed by a second stroke five months later. She has been rehabilitating the two years since, regaining some of her ability to walk and speak. But the arm wouldn’t budge.

"Her doctor recommended the brace, which helps teach people with partially paralyzed arms how to use them again.

“A year and a half later, after back-and-forths with the insurance company over footing the $32,000 bill, McCoy was finally outfitted with the device at the Center for Orthotic & Prosthetic Excellence in Munster on a recent day, becoming the first person in Northwest Indiana to use a MyoPro. The orthotic, which has been in wide use since 2010, is the only one of its kind on the market.”

“Calumet Twp. woman becomes first in NWI to get electronic brace”

FWIW, NWI is northwest Indiana.

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