Article: A Man Shed Live Polio Virus In His Stool For 28 Years

Another reminder of how important sanitation is…

“In Thursday’s edition of the journal PLoS Pathogens, scientists report on a man in the United Kingdom who was immunized with oral polio vaccine as a child and whose stool samples continued to contain live polio virus for 28 years.”

What’s more, the virus he was shedding was potent enough to paralyze mice that were injected with it.

“A Man Shed Live Polio Virus In His Stool For 28 Years”

Appropriate after lunch post. :smirk:

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At least we know who gives a sh*t about polio after all of these years…

JAG “Crappy Tricorder Readings” MAN

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I’m afraid I set a precedent for this genre of posts a couple of months ago. :worried:


At least this one didn’t come with an illustration!


Illustration, hell, that was IMAX 3D in Technicolor. (at least that last one that was posted and then taken down after I renamed the topic with a warning label)

JAG “Burning Paper Sack On The Porch” MAN

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