I’d like to make a general proposal to the community and suggest that, while working in the space, we all approach each other with a simple phrase of, “Are you busy?”
I have had too many experiences where I’m working with power tools, or otherwise distracted by my project, and then been approached by someone looking to talk about something else. There is simply a lack of awareness by some members that don’t realize when another member is just there to work or at an otherwise critical juncture in their projects. Just because you are waiting for your job to finish/cure/cool down/whatever, does not mean that other members want to have social hour with you.
In other cases, I have seen members just plain lack emotional intelligence. I was recently in the space when another member ruined a portion of their project and turned a 1-hour job into a 5-hour job. Another member walked by and said, “You made a big mess” and walked away with no offers to help or bring any assistance of any kind. That’s just plain being a jackass, no other way to put that.
So, please, for the benefit of everyone that uses the space to work, please ask ahead of time if that person is looking to talk or not. “Are you busy?” is a simple way to find that out.