Are we gonna be charged membership dues during COVID closure?

It just seems unfair that we have to pay when Makerspace is closed. I don’t want to cancel my membership of course. But I just had to pay for April and who knows how long Makerspace will remain closed. Is there any word on if anything has been discussed about this? Did I miss something?

Yes, a lot.

Yes, a lot.

There are 5-10 threads on what you are concerned about, including one stickied to the top of the forums. Search, scroll, read, etc.

As was said, this has been discussed numerous times. The cleanest explanation for dues is: Charged while closed?

Please try to use existing topics when possible for things like this; as you can imagine a lot of people ask things about the current situation, and we’re ending up with a lot of thread pollution so try to keep things in an existing discussion.

As for reopening dates this is still up in the air.