Are rates going up?

I haven’t been the most active member lately, work has definitely consumed most of my time.

I just saw this change on the wiki:

Can someone give me some background on when/how this was decided? I know I’m late to the game on this one, but I am curious.

Rates are only going up if you let your membership lapse greater than 14 days. There is a full thread specifically in the Members only section addressing it.




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There was an extensive debate on the Talk about the merits of this price hike. I was not at the board meeting, and do not know if any of the points against were considered. I do know we do not have a business plan and forecast of expense in Jan 2019 vs now, and analysis of how price affects membership and income.


It was also talked about and discussed at a membership meeting before the board agenda item was made.


Future agenda item - review honorarium rates.
Some possibilities are:

  1. Tie honorarium rates directly to full membership rate - both teacher and committee payments.
  2. Raise teacher rate only.
  3. Only discuss/review and kick topic/can on down the road.

Some members use the honorarium to pay their monthly membership dues. Raise membership dues, raise the honorarium.


I authorized my credit card to be billed the current rates. Will that automatically increase or will I need to do it again with the new rates?

The actual rules:
Though poorly constructed, the intent is that members who are continuously in good standing will be “grandfathered in” until or if a lapse of 14 days occurs.

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Looks like yearly is still $540?

In January, when the monthly rate goes up to $60.00, the annual rate will go to
(i.e. a 10% discount on the monthly rate).
Unless you’re grandfathered. Then it will remain whatever it is grandfathered in at unless there is a14 day lapse in good standing.

The wiki needs to be updated then, it doesn’t say anything about yearly under 2019 effective rates.

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Where in the wiki do you mean? The Rules page, in the Membership Dues section, second sentence, says:

Members who pay for a Yearly Membership will be given a 10% discount off the standard Regular Membership rate.

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…who pay annually will receive a 10% discount on “the standard Regular Membership rate”, which, apparently, according to the other times this has been brought up, means if you’re grandfathered, your “standard Regular Membership rate” is whatever it is today; not what it hypothetically would be then. Thus, this clause is considered to cover that…


as well as all future increases.
At least, that was the intent of these 3 clauses…
More reading here
(already posted above – thank you, Discourse, for letting me know…)

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At the link posted previously Rules and Policies - Dallas Makerspace under Current Rates it says " This rate is 10% off the monthly rate of $50. Eligible for voting rights after 90 days, see Voting Rights." and then below that under rate increases it doesn’t mention any increase for yearly.

I get the point folks but I think you want something about yearly in the rate increases section.

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